Happy pancake day everyone!
Here’s some wild-camping fluffy breakfast pancakes I made on the serene banks of a Trossachs loch… using foraged ingredients to tasty them up 🙂
Left sauce was wild jostaberry (like a red gooseberry x blackcurrant) raspberries and brambles, the right-side sauce was pheasantberry/chocolateberry (himalayan honeysuckle) all from one fabulously rich hedge I spotted in Perthshire… scattered with baby common sorrel leaves from right beside us for a lemony zing… plus the fluffy pancakes had hogweed seeds and powdered cloveroot too ♡ yummm and felt very decadent…
I was taking my friend Lynsey for her first time wild camping so I wanted to camp somewhere stunning and make her a memorable breakfast! It had been pouring down the night before setting up camp in the gathering gloom, sheet rain and mist, so she had no idea where we really were… knowing the forecast for the next day was to be stunning, I couldn’t wait for her to see the view we’d be waking up to! And it didn’t disappoint ♡ I wish we could’ve stayed for a week… so, so wonderful. I do adore Scotland…