Whoaaaarrr… proper comfort food!! : creating tasty campfire bush tucker in the gale-force windy woods with Paul @yorkshiregourmet and Paul @this_green_moon forest school today 🙂
A superb Swillington Farm organic chicken rubbed with an experimental blend of various foraged spices from my wild larder shelves (alexanders seeds, hogweed seeds, wild carrot seeds, pepper dulse seaweed, wild mushroom salt, plus thyme and tarragon) slowly reduced into a rich casserole over the fire with crushed whole wild garlic bulbs from just beside the camp, horns of plenty and winter chanterelles I foraged in the autumn, white wine and a dash of cream, served with waxy georgina spuds and a smattering of three-cornered leek leaf to finish : oh.my.word!!
#foraging #wildfood #campfirecooking #fungi #chicken #casserole #wildspices #comfortfood #experimenting