Here’s my take on a raw wild pesto (the dip you might have tasted at my talks at Kendal Food Festival last Sunday) using a basketful of wild garlic leaves, a handful of buds, a few jack-by-the-hedge/garlic mustard leaves, a bunch of wild onion ‘chives’, and about a dozen nettle tips. I blitzed these up in a food processor with maybe 100g grated parmesan, a good handful of foraged walnut halves and as much olive oil as needed to achieve the texture you want (less for a dip, more for stirring into pasta). Pack into sterilised jars, cover with oil & keep in the fridge. For a dip it’s raw, for pasta I drain it then toss in the pesto whilst still hot which doesn’t cook it completely but warms it and takes the edge off that punchy raw garlic heat. Enjoy! 🙂