Pipe club fungus canapé! ?
This tiny morsel including the basket is entirely made of mushrooms! Roger Phillips says these fungi are ‘edible but not worthwhile’… so whilst just falling to sleep the other night I decided I wanted to create something cool with the funky long pipe club fungi I found at the weekend! I’d sauté them to cook, then weave them into a dinky basket to fill with even dinkier shroomies! And it kinda worked too haha 🙂
The first (latest) picture I had baked it crispy so it would shatter & be a little crunchy when eaten, the other/earlier ones were more defined but softer/chewier & so might not have been possible to bite into it (not sure, I only had one so had to try both options with just the one basket)!
Fun though & I enjoyed collecting the teeniest blewits, butter caps & amethyst deceivers I could find to go inside! ♡
I wonder if it would also work with seaweed e.g. dumont’s tubularweed or strips of kelp/duke etc? Could be super-cute 🙂 ♡
#foraging #wildfood #fungi #mushrooms #canapé #100%fungi #edibleart #justforfun #pipeclubfungus #pipeclub #macrotyphula #playwithyourfood